Summer Clientele

A reminder for summer-time clientele

I CAN NOT and WILL NOT tattoo over sunburnt skin — there can be no pink at all.

Please — wear sunscreen and coverings over the area you want to have tattooed, and a bit of surrounding area as well, for at least a week before your appointment.

You cannot expose a fresh tattoo to sun OR any body of water while it’s healing.

You CANNOT apply sunscreen to a fresh tattoo, so coverings are crucial the first week and still essential for weeks 2 and 3. However, you can probably get by with just sunscreen after the first 14 days. Keep sunscreen on through week 4 if you are going to be getting lots of UV rays.

Re-apply your sunscreen every few hours!

This does not mean put it on once before you leave the house in the morning. You will need to keep applying it every several hours throughout the day if you are going to be outside.

Sun exposure can, and sunburn absolutely will, lighten your tattoo at best and totally fuck it up at worst.

You cannot submerge your fresh tattoo in ANY pools, lakes, or hot tubs / jacuzzi. Even the “cleanest” pool / lake / hot tub / jacuzzi is still crawling with pathogens.

These are a HUGE bacterial / microbial / fungal risk for infection, which will require medical intervention.

Week 1 — Stay away from submersion altogether.
Week 2 — Keep it out of the water if you are near any.
Week 3 — You should be fine unless it’s in a particularly sensitive spot, which I will tell you if it is at your appointment. But still no hot tubs / jacuzzi.

Other than that, don’t worry too much and just have fun.

I will still go over all of your aftercare needs at your appointment and answer any other questions you may have. This information is just to help you with summer activities planning.

You really can have it all!